Sonchō Karate Club on the roads
We train with everyone and anyone!
Follow our karate travels here or even better share your training opportunities with us.
We love learning and are always on the lookout for more events with great instructors.

Where: Oldbury
When: 10-11/12/2022
HDKI GB Christmas Course
Whole weekend full of karate training and karate talks.
Instructors: Scott Langley, Bob Rhodes, Felipe Martins, Simon Bligh
Where: Faversham
When: 16/10/2022
Sunday Training
Absolutely fantastic sessions, small group with big budo attitude! Kata and Kumite
Plenty to take home and work on.
Instructor: Bob Rhodes

Where: Cheltenham, Balcarras Sports Centre
When: 25/09/2022
HDKI GB Southern Squad Training
What a great morning full of training, competition kata and kumite practice,
agility training, referee talks
Instructor: Becky Cox Symmonds

Where: Faversham
When: 11/09/2022
Kata and Kumite Course
Lovely day at Canterbury Shotokan Karate Club, we looked at details and bunkai applications of Heian Nidan and Sochin kata and had a good challenging kumite session.
Instructors: Bob Rhodes, Natalie Böttcher

Where: South Leverton
When: 19-21/08/2022
Shogai Summer Camp
An absolutely smashing weekend full of karate training and talks. Massive thank you for all the fantastic sessions.
Instructors: Julie Nicholson, John Holdsworth, Andrea Carbon, Justin Senseis
and Simon Bligh Sensei

Where: Dudley
When: 24/07/2022
HDKI GB Squad Training
Yet another fun and sweaty day at the squad training, kata, kumite, great atmosphere and a fantastic coaching.
Instructors: Julie Nicholson, John Holdsworth, Nick Keys

Where: Plymouth
When: 03/07/2022
Seminar & Dan Grading
What a fantastic session, technical, full of details, challenging and absolutely awesome.
Thank you to Plymouth Karate Club
Instructor: Scott Langley

Where: Basingstoke
When: 12/06/2022
Rick Hotton Sensei Seminar
Brilliant day full of karate and aikido
at the Rick Hotton Sensei seminar in Basingstoke.
Instructor: Rick Hotton

Where: Dudley
When: 08/05/2022
HDKI GB National Squad Training & Selections
Fantastic sessions today led by our squad coaches, concentrating on elements of kata and kumite performance together with what the referees are looking for. Great to see and train with everyone again.
Instructors: Julie Nicholson, John Holdsworth, Nick Keys

Where: Cheltenham
When: 02/04/2022
Interclub Karate Competition
A massive congratulation to all competitors who took part in our friendly Inter-club competition between Cheltenham and Shotokan Tora Winchcombe.
What a great little introduction to competition with some brilliant performances. Well done all, you made us all very proud!!!
Organiser: Natalie Bottcher

Where: Sheffield
When: 05/03/2022
AMA International Karate Open 2022
They say train with the best and learn from them! Well this is exactly what I did today!
Incredibly grateful for all the advice and experience Shelly Collinson has shared with me today. We even got to fight in the finals, can’t wait to see you again Shelly
Oh and I arrived late so missed my kata event 😣

Where: Chipping
When: 20/02/2022
HDKI GB Open competition training
An energetic HDKI GB Open competition training today with Nick Keys Sensei and John and Julie Sensei. Brilliant kata and kumite sessions, plenty covered and great to be able to catch up with our karate friends.
Instructors: Nick Keys, John Holdsworth and Julie Nicholson

Where: Guildford
When: 09/01/2022
HDKI GB Open Competition Training
Cracking HDKI GB Open Competition Training with Becky Sensei. Great atmosphere and full dojo!
Instructors: Becky Cox-Symmonds

Where: Leigh
When: 24/10/2021
EKA Open Karate Championships
It was a good day at EKA Open Karate Championships today! Great to be back and see all those fabulous people again.
Plenty of brilliant advice from Lucie Marsh and it was so good to catch up with Andrea Carbon. Congratulations ladies, you were AMAZING.

Where: online
When: 19/09/2021
Online kata competition
I like to spice things up. I got inspired at Shogai karate summer camp a few weeks back and toyed with this new idea that was planted in my head by Andrea Sensei.
So I entered an online kata comp with a goju-ryu kata and placed 2nd!
Not bad considering last time I competed with this kata was 21 years ago

Where: Birmingham
When: 05/09/2021
GB Open Karate Championships
It’s been a great day with karateka from all corners of the country and beyond. I got to meet some brilliant people, had the most amazing coach for the day Lucie Marsh who gave me tons of advice and was an absolute superstar. I am ever so grateful for all the support from the one and only, awesome Shelly Collinson. Thank you so much, your support is very very much appreciated.
Great experience at today's GB Open, 2 shiny medals made their way back to Cheltenham. Natalie Bottcher

Where: South Leverton
When: 20/08-22/08/2021
Shogai Summer Camp 2021
Dreaded morning run followed by karate training sessions and karate talks. Fantastic weekend full of karate. Referee training with Nick Keys and Paul Uren Senseis, followed by a mock dan grading for all those hoping to grade for Shodan to Sandan within the next year or so. Everyone was tired but it was such a good opportunity to put ourselves under pressure a bit, learn something and step out of our comfort zones.
Instructors: Paul Uren, Simon Bligh, Justin Beattie, Andrea Carbon

Where: Lancaster
When: 27/06/2021
North HDKI GB Kata Squad Training
Brilliant day training with both seasoned and novice competitors alike, the training helped raise the overall standard of everyone's kata performance. The aim was to develop potential, widen access and encourage aspiration at all levels.
Instructors: Julie Nicholson,
John Holdsworth

Where: online
When: 25/04/2021
Black and Brown belt training
I really enjoyed this online session all the way from South Africa, some fantastic advice and another great opportunity to train while in lockdown.
Instructor: Sandra Louw

Where: online
When: 24/03/2021
JKS online training
Superb online session with Matt Price Sensei tonight! Sweaty, aching but happy - another brilliant lockdown training
Instructor: Matt Price

Where: online
When: 13/03/2021
Kumite Seminar with Leonie Kersey
A totally awesome Kumite Seminar with Leonie Kersey, proper sweaty workout and very interactive training.
Instructor: Leonie Kersey

Where: online
When: 06/03/2021
Open Seminar with Christophe Pinna
Fantastic online training with the kumite champion Christophe Pinna Sensei. Thank you Kanzen Karate for organising.
Instructor: Christophe Pinna

Where: online
When: 21/02/2021
Online Open International Course
Such brilliant sessions this weekend, fantastic online training. Thank you Traditional Shotokan Karate UK for organising.
Instructors: Sensei Asuka Sasa
Sensei Ayano Takaki
Sensei Aidan Trimble

Where: online
When: 29/12/2020
10k Karate Clash
An absolutely brilliant killer session, thank you JT
Instructor: Jordan Thomas

More travels to be added soon
Watch this space for more karate travels from the past, there's loads to come...

Where: Dudley
When: 30/10/2022
HDKI GB National Squad Training
4 energetic hours of competition training, we looked at elements of kata and kumite
Instructors: Julie Nicholson, John Holdsworth, Nick Keys

Where: Birmingham
When: 08/10/2022
HDKI GB National Open Championships
Fantastic day, outstanding performances.
Congratulations everyone!!!

Where: Bury Castle
When: 18/09/2022
AMA Northern Open Championships
Great atmosphere and some fantastic performances, very successful day for many. We brought home 2 medals,
gold for kumite and silver for kata.

Where: Liverpool
When: 06/11/2022
HDKI GB Northern Squad
Absolutely brilliant afternoon full of hard work and loads of feedback.
Instructor: Stuart Amos

Where: Online
When: 08-11/08/2022
Shidoin Geiko
A busy, hot, sweaty penultimate session of Shidoin Geiko. We joined these fantastic people online for 4 days of training.

Where: Guildford
When: 16-17/07/2022
JSKA European Championships
A phenomenal weekend, plenty of medals between the squad members in team and individual events, including our very own Natalie - 2x gold, 1x bronze.

Where: Guildford
When: 26/06/2022
HDKI GB Open Competition and Southern Squad Training
Great sessions and plenty of feedback from Eden Sensei which I’m always super grateful for.
Instructor: Becky Cox Symmonds

Where: Exeter
When: 29/05/2022
Nijushiho session
Totally awesome session at Dokuritsu Karate Club in Exeter, loads of details and applications. Thank you for having me
Instructor: Chrissie Howard

Where: Cheltenham
When: 07/05/2022
Open seminar with Simon Bligh Sensei
Gohon kumite, 2 against 1 reaction kumite, kicking kumite, 2 tough but excellent sessions hosted here in Cheltenham. Thank you for coming down to teach Simon Sensei.
Instructor: Simon Bligh

Where: Leigh
When: 27/03/2022
EKA Open Karate Championships
We had fun at the EKA Open Karate Championships today. Especially pleased with the kata performance. Colossal thank you goes to Lucie Marsh for all the advice she shared with me again. Fantastic to see Shelly Collinson as always. Natalie brought home 2 bronze medals for kata and kumite.

Where: Guildford
When: 26/02/2022
Seminar with Sensei Chrissie Howard
We really enjoyed this fantastic seminar with Chrissie Sensei hosted by Kanshin Karate Club, Guildford.
Encouraging lots of thoughts about where our energy, strength & power come from.
How to best use our bodies to deliver, the best of ourselves and how to use your opponents intention against them.
Instructor: Chrissie Howard

Where: Blackwater & Hawley
When: 13/02/2022
Karate workshop
What a a fabulous day training with these wonderful people. Well done everyone who attended and trained, sweated, worked hard and laughed.
Instructors: Rangan Ravindran, Steve Bailes, Amanda Gisby, Angela Gasperini & Avi Wolfsthal

Where: Dudley
When: 11/12-12/12/2021
HDKI GB Christmas Course 2021
Such an honour to spend the weekend with these amazing senseis who so passionately shared their knowledge at the HDKI GB Christmas Course 2021. A massive thank you to HDKI GB for organising the event!
Instructors: Scott Langley,
Bob Rhodes, Ricardo Galina

Where: Guildford
When: 26/09/2021
JSKA championships
I love a good challenge and today was no exception at JSKA championships.
2 beautiful trophies have just made their way to Cheltenham. But there’s so much more to competing than winning, something that can’t be won, something that can’t be awarded….. I really enjoyed today and that’s what it’s all about! Natalie Bottcher

Where: Basingstoke
When: 12/09/2021
Scott Langley and Christian Øygarden Seminar
Another fabulous seminar and a great opportunity to learn. This felt like a special treat today as I’ve been wanting to take Nijushiho apart for ages and this was an absolutely fantastic opportunity.
Instructors: Scott Langley and
Christian Øygarden

Where: Chipping
When: 29/08/2021
HDKI GB competition training and WUKF rules course
So glad I went to the HDKI GB competition training and WUKF rules course today,
soooo much information regarding the rules, great to see some familiar faces and meet new people.
There’s always something that I find extra special at these events, today it must have been training and a friendly spar with Shelly Collinson.
Thank you for organising, Natalie Bottcher
Instructor: Nick Keys

Where: South Leverton
When: 05/06/2021
Black and Brown belt training
HDKI dan grade syallbus for 1, 2 and 3rd Dan candidates, kihon, kumite and kata practice with feedback
Instructors: Simon Bligh, Justin Beattie

Where: online
When: 10/04/2021
1m² Karate - Hombu Dojo Sensei
Online training with the HDKI Headquarter instructors. Each instructor taught for 30 minutes each, with a short break between. Great experience of the eclectic mix that makes up the teaching team of the Hombu Dojo.
Instructors: Scott Langley, Ross Stewart,
Audrius Janusauskas, Ru Mew

Where: online
When: 21/03/2021
Scottish Karate Seminars
Fantastic online seminars with Kanzen Karate. Very informative and brilliant lockdown training, thank you to all instructors!
Instructors: Roy O'Kane, Kevin Slaney, Gordon Mathie

Where: online
When: 10/03/2021
Sensei Rick Jackson online meditation session
Really grateful for these sessions. A phrase that caught my attention tonight was: "Don't think too much, you'll create a problem that wasn't even there in the first place."
Instructor: Rick Jackson

Where: online
When: 27/02/2021
SKDUN International Online Seminar with Brett Halliday & Colin Putt
Excellent morning at SKDUN International Online Seminar with Brett Halliday & Colin Putt Sensei going over Gogushiho Sho and kumite
Instructor: Brett Halliday & Colin Putt Sensei

Where: online
When: 07/02/2021
Tividale Shotokan Karate Club TV
Hosts Tommy Joe Moore
Thoroughly enjoyed this class, incorporating the hand pad for self practice drills was excellent and I’d definitely like to do more. Thank you Tommy for taking the time this morning sharing your experience and thank you Tividale Shotokan Karate for hosting this fantastic opportunity for everyone.
Instructor: Tommy Joe Moore

Where: Bristol
When: 17/10/2020
Sensei Matt Price - face-to-face seminar
What a fantastic afternoon, loved every minute of the seminar, even the endless painful shiko dachi squats followed by punches in kiba dachi. Learned Junro Godan, had a quick go at Yondan as well, kumite drills, met some lovely people and lots & lots more. Loved it, thank you Bristol Karate Academy.
Instructor: Matt Price